Artist Unknown: The Great European War – The Great Battle of the Russian Hero with the German Serpent 1915.

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Artist Unknown The Great European War 1915. Paret describes this amazing poster as follows: “The scene from a medieval legend stands for the new struggle between right and wrong. Another variant on the use of symbols drawn from legends, fairy tales, and the Bible to clothe the war in terms that all could understood. A Russian medieval knight rides over the twisting body of the many-headed monster representing the Central Powers. He has already cut off its Austrian head, wounded the neck of the German and is about to attack the Turk who screams in terror.  In the left background is a damaged French cathedral, its desecration marking the Germans as enemies of Christ.”  22×16 near mint, conservation backed. $1275.

Paret Persuasive Images, page 12 illustration 14.