Artist Unknown: Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps 1918.

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Artist Unknown Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps 1918. Dr. John Johnson’s forthcoming book describes this poster as follows: a member of Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps raises her hand in a gesture of welcome.  She motions inward rather than pointing outward at the viewer… she is smiling broadly (a common trait of the women pictured on posters for the W.A.A.C or the Q.M.A.A.C) and her right hand is in her pocket; she holds no weapon.  In her case, a hand in the pocket is an indication of relaxed confidence, not a sign of irresponsibility as it so often is on many recruiting posters for men.  The overall effect is reminiscent of storybook illustrations.  In the background, there are no dark marching troops or threatening sky.  Instead, she stands in the golden light that permeates virtually the entire poster.  She casts a light blue and non-threatening shadow, similar in color to the shading on the buildings behind her.  In the background is a sun-drenched and neat camp of red-roofed buildings amidst flourishing trees and green vegetation.  She is serving in an oasis in the Egyptian desert near the scenic beauty of gleaming white pyramids.  Clearly, duty with the Q.M.A.A.C. is pleasant, and it can take one to wonderfully exotic locations. Very rare.  29×20 near mint, conservation backed.